I am a Leadersmith. I help others become better leaders. In this podcast, we discuss all things related to leadership, and I can help you become the kind of leader that you would want to follow. We will talk about leadership in business, the home, and society. #DarinGerdes. #leadership #leadersmith
![REFORMATTING THE LEADERSMITH PODCAST [EPISODE 220]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8415926/Finalsquarecoverartleadersmith9l27i_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
![LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM LAUNCHING A NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL [EPISODE 219]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-07-06_at_12128_PM9okpo_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
In this episode I want to talk about lessons I learned as I launched a new YouTube Channel.
-Instead of feeling overwhelmed by what you are doing, decide to double down. Do more, not less.
-Don’t worry about results in the short-term. Focus on Synergy
-Do not despise the day of small beginnings.
-Do what you want to do and you won’t feel like you are working is a lie, but that is OK.
-Experiment: See how long it takes you to do something new
-Find the upper limits of your capability if you want to be successful in life.
-Your first efforts will be your worst efforts
-There is only so much time in the day, and something will have to give. That is OK.
-Don’t worry about success, at least not at first. Look for the trends.
-Do something meaningful. Motivation leads to sustainability.
Can you do something for me?
Go to YouTube. Type in Professor Gerdes Daily Updates Ukraine. Watch one of the episodes and tell me what I can do better. Just leave a comment. How am I doing? What can I do better?
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![7 KEYS TO BECOMING A BETTER LEADER [EPISODE 217]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-06-06_at_21013_PMbs7gm_300x300.jpg)
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
In this episode, I provide 7 keys to becoming a better leader. • I talk about how to become a better leader at work. • I'll provide seven key steps that will help you become a better leader. • I talk about inspiration, motivation, and organizational culture. This applies to being a better leader in school, being a better small group leader, team leader or being a better leader at work. • I talk about how to be a great manager and how to be a great leader. If you want to be a better leader, you don't want to miss this. Great leaders do things differently if you want to be a better manager, listen to the seven steps that I lay out here. The steps are not À la carte You must complete all seven steps; you must use all seven keys. You will learn how to manage people and be a better leader if you employ all seven keys. In this episode I talked about a top 10 list of books. You can find them here: https://www.daringerdes.com/the-professors-picks-top-10-books-on-management/ If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast. I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful. Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith Join our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and continue the discussion there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnleadership/ or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/ WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR? Reach out with a comment or question: https://forms.gle/fJP6ym4LDxJrKX2c8
![HOW DID PRESIDENT ZELENSKYY UNITE THE WORLD? PART II [EPISODE 216]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-05-20_at_85303_AM6e3uo_300x300.jpg)
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
Ok, if you are watching this, you watched Part I where you learned Zelenskyy’s formula for uniting the world behind him as Russia invaded Ukraine and Zelensky united the Western Word behind him. In this episode I continue to unpack his speeches to show you how he did it. In all I cover roughly 30 speeches.
I wrote a book on President Zelenskyy because I found him to be an intriguing leader. You can find it here on Amazon:
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
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Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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![HOW DID PRESIDENT ZELENSKYY UNITE THE WORLD? [EPISODE 215]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-05-08_at_83801_AM6ixvh_300x300.jpg)
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
The Russian-Ukraine war has raged for more than 8 weeks now. He has been the leader of the free world in defending democracy from aggression. How did he unite and unify the world? What did he say that caused the world to rally to his cause? In this episode (and the parts that follow) I will unpack his speeches to show you how he did it.
I wrote a book on President Zelenskyy because I found him to be an intriguing leader. You can find it here on Amazon:
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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![IS PRESIDENT ZELENSKY A GAY SATANIST? NO! HERE IS THE PROOF. [EPISODE 214]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-04-15_at_64936_PM9lgpe_300x300.jpg)
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
The Russian-Ukraine war has raged for more than 7 weeks now. I wrote a book on President Zelenskyy because I found him to be an intriguing leader. You can find it here on Amazon:
Since I wrote the book, I now get emails and DMs that ask, “Don’t you know Zelenskyy is a Nazi?” or “Is Zelensky a Soros plant?” Or my personal favorite, “I saw this video where he was dancing in drag. He is a gay Satanist.”
I will address each of these in turn. In the last episode I debunked the Nazi question. In today’s episode, I will address the gay and Satanist questions.
Here are the links I talked about in this episode:
Laura Logan calling Zelensky a puppet linked to the Nazis and occult:
Russia Retweeting Laura Logan for their propaganda:
Los Angeles Blade Article explaining that Zelensky was mocking Russia:
Reddit Meme:
Compare for yourself.
Are you parroting Russian propaganda? Where did you get your information? Don’t be a useful idiot. Triangulate on the truth and rely on verifiable sources.
Here is RT (Official Russian news in English).
By the way, you should know that the Russians passed a law penalizing the intentional spread of “fake news” with up to 15 years in prison. The law was designed to, “prevent the discrediting of the armed forces of the Russian Federation during their operations to protect the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens, maintaining international peace and security.” The law made it illegal “to make calls against the use of Russian troops to protect the interests of Russia.”
Source: https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-fake-news-military-invasion-independent-media/31735798.html
Moreover, more than 15,000 Russians have been jailed for protesting the war in Ukraine over the last two months. Some were even jailed for holding up blank signs.
Source: https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-war-invasion-protests-police-arrest-activists-holding-blank-signs-paper-1687603?fbclid=IwAR0L_eDsj52OrCvqMt_C48lZhdVpGgKWGtXQoIpRfqucWk3Sna4jnTtdTZc
They banned Twitter, Facebook, and Google so Putin can control the narrative.
Think about that before spreading Russian talking points.
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#zelenskyy #gayzelensky #zelenskygay #Zelenskysatanist #Ukraine #russianinvasion #glorytoukraine #Zelensky #zelenskyy
![IS PRESIDENT ZELENSKYY A NAZI? NO! HERE IS THE PROOF (Part II) [EPISODE 213]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-04-07_at_82116_AMangwp_300x300.jpg)
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
The Russian-Ukraine war has raged for 6 weeks now. I wrote a book on President Zelenskyy because I found him to be an intriguing leader. You can find it here on Amazon:
Since I wrote the book, I now get emails and DMs that ask, “Don’t you know Zelenskyy is a Nazi?” or “Is Zelensky a Soros plant?” Or my personal favorite, “I saw this video where he was dancing in drag. He is a gay Satanist.”
I will address each of these in turn. In today’s episode, I will address the Nazi accusation.
I will address it on two levels: Personally and governmental.
Here are the links I talked about in this episode:
Snopes: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/zelenskyy-nazi-iron-cross/
Anti-Defamation League: https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/iron-cross
FactCheck.org https://www.factcheck.org/2022/03/the-facts-on-de-nazifying-ukraine/
Victoria Cross: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Cross
US Distinguished Flying Cross: https://archive.ph/kkQmy
English Language Russian News: https://www.rt.com/on-air/
English Language Ukrainian News: https://uatv.ua/en/projects/11473-en-2/
Historian’s statement: https://jewishjournal.com/news/worldwide/345515/statement-on-the-war-in-ukraine-by-scholars-of-genocide-nazism-and-world-war-ii/
Compare for yourself. Are you parroting Russian propaganda? Where did you get your information? Don’t be a useful idiot. Triangulate on the truth and rely on verifiable sources.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/
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![IS PRESIDENT ZELENSKYY A NAZI? NO! HERE IS THE PROOF (Part I) [EPISODE 212]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-04-07_at_71919_AM7czll_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
The Russian-Ukraine war has raged for 6 weeks now. I wrote a book on President Zelenskyy because I found him to be an intriguing leader. You can find it here on Amazon:
Since I wrote the book, I now get emails and DMs that ask, “Don’t you know Zelenskyy is a Nazi?” or “Is Zelensky a Soros plant?” Or my personal favorite, “I saw this video where he was dancing in drag. He is a gay Satanist.”
I will address each of these in turn. In today’s episode, I will address the Nazi accusation.
I will address it on two levels: Personally and governmental.
Here are the links I talked about in this episode:
Snopes: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/zelenskyy-nazi-iron-cross/
Anti-Defamation League: https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/iron-cross
FactCheck.org https://www.factcheck.org/2022/03/the-facts-on-de-nazifying-ukraine/
Victoria Cross: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Cross
US Distinguished Flying Cross: https://archive.ph/kkQmy
English Language Russian News: https://www.rt.com/on-air/
English Language Ukrainian News: https://uatv.ua/en/projects/11473-en-2/
Historian’s statement: https://jewishjournal.com/news/worldwide/345515/statement-on-the-war-in-ukraine-by-scholars-of-genocide-nazism-and-world-war-ii/
Compare for yourself. Are you parroting Russian propaganda? Where did you get your information? Don’t be a useful idiot. Triangulate on the truth and rely on verifiable sources.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
Join our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and continue the discussion there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnleadership/
or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/
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![AN URBAN WARFARE EXPERT TELLS US HOW TO DEFEND A CITY [EPISODE 211]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-03-28_at_53818_PMbhrpa_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
The Russian-Ukraine war had raged for over a month now.
I asked urban warfare expert, John Spencer, to come on the show to tell us how he would defend a city from a hostile force. If you are not familiar with John, here are some highlights of his bio:
-Award-winning scholar, professor, author, combat veteran
-Internationally recognized expert and advisor on urban warfare and other military related topics
-Considered the world’s leading expert on urban warfare
-Advisor to the top four-star general and other senior leaders in the U.S. Army as part of strategic research groups from the Pentagon to the United States Military Academy
-Chair of Urban Warfare Studies with the Madison Policy Forum
-Recently served as the Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point
-Co-Director of the Urban Warfare Project, and host of the Urban Warfare Project podcast
-Served over twenty-five years in the active Army as an infantry soldier, Spencer has held ranks from Private to Sergeant First Class and Second Lieutenant to Major
-His assignments as an Army officer included two combat deployments to Iraq as both an Infantry Platoon Leader and Company Commander, a Ranger Instructor with the Army’s Ranger School, a Joint Chief of Staff and Army Staff intern, fellow with the Chief of Staff of the Army’s Strategic Studies Group, and Co-Founder, Strategic Planner, and Deputy Director of the Modern War Institute at West Point.
-Spencer holds a Master of Policy Management from Georgetown University
-Spencer is also a regular military analyst and commentator for CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and numerous news and media organizations
-Connect via Twitter @SpencerGuard
In this episode, he will talk about :
-The power of small groups
-Making yourself invisible
-Closing the castle gates
-Looking down and digging tunnels
-How to keep the enemy out
-Using surprise to your advantage as the defender
-What is more likely to kill you (it’s not bombs or bullets)
-And much more…
Listen to his Urban Warfare Project podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/urban-warfare-project/id1490714950
As you know, we are focused on the topic of Leadership in the Russian-Ukrainian war. I wrote a book focused on Zelenskyy’ leadership and you can find it here on Amazon:
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Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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![PRESIDENT ZELENSKYY’S FIRST STRATEGIC MISTAKE IN THE RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR [EPISODE 210]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-03-25_at_113026_AM9z7ee_300x300.jpg)
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
I am deeply impressed with President Zelenskyy of the Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian war. I've written a book about Zelenskyy’s leadership.
In this episode I want to talk about his first major strategic mistake. He's done almost everything right up till this point. I'll explain what it is, why it's a mistake, and I'll explain what he has done right as well. If you want to understand what's going on in Ukraine after the Russian invasion, listen to this episode.
The book is here on Amazon:
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
Join our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and continue the discussion there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnleadership/
or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/
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![WHO IS PRESIDENT ZELENSKY OF UKRAINE? – PART II [EPISODE 209]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-03-19_at_84849_AM8q7jo_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
This is Part 2 of a 2-part series on President Zelensky. Like many of you, I have been watching the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I started reading up on Putin to understand why he did what he did. Then a few days into the war, I read that when the U.S. offered to get President Zelenskyy out of the country, he replied “The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride.” I thought—WOW. That is leadership. I need to know more about this man. So, I read everything I could and that turned into a book in a matter of weeks. The book is here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Need-Ammunition-Not-Ride-Volodymyr-ebook/dp/B09VVW3NSV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=6YHOEVZ983NQ&keywords=i+need+ammunition%2C+not+a+ride&qid=1647625321&s=digital-text&sprefix=%2Cdigital-text%2C4098&sr=1-1 In this video, I cover his inauguration speech to the present. This video has his three most impressive quotes. Part 1 was an overview of Zelenskyy’s life that covered his formative years and career leading up to the presidency. If you haven’t seen it, please go back and watch how he became president. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast. I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful. Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith Join our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and continue the discussion there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnleadership/ or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/ WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR? Reach out with a comment or question: https://forms.gle/fJP6ym4LDxJrKX2c8
![WHO IS PRESIDENT ZELENSKY OF UKRAINE? – PART I [EPISODE 208]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-03-18_at_61557_PMa39bm_300x300.jpg)
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Like many of you, I have been watching the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I started reading up on Putin to understand why he did what he did. Then a few days into the war, I read that when the U.S. offered to get President Zelensky (Zelenskyy in Ukrainian) out of the country, he replied “The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride.” I thought—WOW. That is leadership. I need to know more about this man. So, I read everything I could and that turned into a book in a matter of weeks. The book is here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Need-Ammunition-Not-Ride-Volodymyr-ebook/dp/B09VVW3NSV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=6YHOEVZ983NQ&keywords=i+need+ammunition%2C+not+a+ride&qid=1647625321&s=digital-text&sprefix=%2Cdigital-text%2C4098&sr=1-1 This overview of Zelenskyy’s life covers his formative years and career leading up to the presidency. In Part II, I cover his inauguration speech to the present. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast. I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful. Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith Join our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and continue the discussion there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnleadership/ or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/ WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR? Reach out with a comment or question: https://forms.gle/fJP6ym4LDxJrKX2c8
![EXPLAINER: WHY DID PUTIN INVADE UKRAINE (IN HIS OWN WORDS) [EPISODE 207]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8415926/Finalsquarecoverartleadersmith9l27i_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
I have been watching what has been going on in Ukraine and trying to understand it. I think I have a good grasp of the situation, including Putin’s motivation for invading the Ukraine. Is Putin crazy? I think there is more to the story. He is not nuts. Is he trying to reestablish the Soviet Union? Not exactly. Putin thinks differently. Once you understand him, you will understand his actions.
In this episode, I will review his speech of 24 February, 2022. It gives us great insight into his state of mind.
You can read the speech here:
I also have found this YouTube video (Why is Russia Invading Ukraine) to be useful:
The 2022 book, Putin’s Playbook by Rebekah Koffler, has also helped me process Putin and his leadership.
Putin is not deranged. It is worse than that.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
Join our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and continue the discussion there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnleadership/
or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/
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![WHY EXPERTISE IS SO IMPORTANT [EPISODE 206]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-02-25_at_90841_PM9h91i_300x300.jpg)
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
In this episode, I sit down with my friend, Dr. Kenny Embry to talk about the nature of expertise. We talk about the attributes that make up expertise, and how to know true expertise when you see it. It is not what you might think.
Kenny had a Ph.D. in Communication and he hosts his own podcast, Balancing the Christian Life (https://www.balancingthechristianlife.com/). If you haven’t heard him, check it out.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
Join our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and continue the discussion there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnleadership/
or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/
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![DO LOCKDOWNS PREVENT COVID MORTALITY? A REVIEW OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS META-ANALYSIS [EPISODE 205]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-02-02_at_50232_PMb2h31_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
In this episode, I talk about the study that came out recently that showed the lockdowns do very little to prevent COVID-19 mortality. The study was published in Studies in Applied Economics (SAE). SAE is produced by the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise. You can see the study here:
I quote heavily from the study, citing page numbers if you care to follow along. I also add my own commentary and perspective to the article.
I am an academic, and after reading the article, I thought it would be helpful to try to explain the academic article to my audience. You can hear what they said and make up your own minds about what kind of policy might be effective. This is important because the choices leaders make impacts followers.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
Join our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and continue the discussion there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnleadership/
or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/
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![IS BIG TECH MANIPULATING ME? [EPISODE 204]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-01-22_at_55759_PMbv5j8_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
In this episode, I talk about manipulation and focus on how you are manipulated at work, through rewards programs, and most insidiously through apps that are designed to manipulate you.
I draw heavily on an article: How ‘Gamification’ of everything is manipulating you by Stephen Johnson.
I add my own commentary and perspective to the article.
I promise you this—once you see what is happening, you will see it everywhere. You are being manipulated.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
Join our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and continue the discussion there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnleadership/
or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/
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![WHY DID MAO KILL THE SPARROWS IN CHINA? [EPISODE 203]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-01-12_at_25548_PMb7618_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
In this episode, I talk about foresight and I focus on the time where Mao targeted sparrows as an enemy of the state during the cultural revolution in China. I reviewed an article: China’s worst self-inflicted environmental disaster: The campaign to wipe out the common sparrow.https://gizmodo.com/china-s-worst-self-inflicted-environmental-disaster-th-5927112
And, I add my own commentary on leadership. Even better, I cover the entire topic in about 10 minutes.
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![BUSINESS TRENDS 20222 [EPISODE 202]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2022-01-06_at_110340_AM6i0my_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
In this episode I talk about business trends that will influence 2022. We thought 2020 was bad (and it was) and we were optimistic as we turned the corner to 2021. In hindsight, we might have been prematurely optimistic. How should we think about what comes next in 2022? In this episode I review this article from the Financial Times and I offer my own thoughts.
Here is the link to the article I mentioned—Ten Economic trends that could define 2022: https://www.ft.com/content/432d78ee-6163-402e-8950-d961b4b1312b
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![HOW TO GET RICH (BY CREATING VALUE OUT OF ALMOST NOTHING) [EPISODE 201]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-12-27_at_63556_PMam024_300x300.jpg)
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
In this episode I talk about how to create value through one of two certain paths to economic success. I review an article where one woman did it. She went from 1 cent to $80,000 in a very short period of time. If you understand the principle, you can do it too.
Here is the link to the article I mentioned:
You can watch her Tick-Tock videos for the Trade-me project here:
Here is the Ted Talk:
Ian and Alex—it is on. I have thrown down my challenge.
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![WHAT IS THE BEST BOOK ON LEADERSHIP? [EPISODE 200]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-12-20_at_41635_PM9npfd_300x300.jpg)
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
I get this question periodically. I thought I would review the best leadership books on Amazon’s Best Books list and help you decide. I will review Amazon’s 30 top choices and tell you what I know about them. Then you can decide what you should read next.
Here is the link to Amazon Best Sellers on leadership and management so you can make your selection:
By the way, I mentioned my own book, the Bookshelf in Your Boss’s Brain which gives an overview a number of these books. Here is the link:
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![BEST LEADERSHIP QUOTES, VOLUME 2 [EPISODE 199]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-12-09_at_45003_PMasbti_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
At the end of every episode, I share a quotation for contemplation. In this episode I share some of the best leadership quotes I have collected. This will be a great listen.
I promised you could have the to use. Here they are:
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![BEST LEADERSHIP QUOTES, VOLUME 1 [EPISODE 198]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-12-01_at_65400_PM7pelj_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
At the end of every episode, I share a quotation for contemplation. In this episode I share some of the best leadership quotes I have collected. This will be a great listen.
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![LESSONS FROM THE HAPPIEST MAN ON EARTH: A BOOK REVIEW [EPISODE 197]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-11-23_at_84632_AM9p4v1_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
In this episode, I am reviewing the book the Happiest man on Earth. The book is a great read. I read it twice in three days. I urge you to read it.
The author provides a number of excellent lessons. While these are not intended to be leadership lessons, nearly all of these lessons are good lessons for leaders.
During the presentation, I talked about Eddie’s Ted Talk. You can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clguD970hSc
I also talked about Sir Nicolas Winton--the Man that saved hundreds of children from the Holocaust surprised by them decades later. You simply have to watch this 2 minute clip.
It was part of a British show called “That’s Life” and it was broadcast in 1988. I am a grown man who has not cried in years, but I am more than willing to admit that this clip brought tears to my eyes.
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![WHY DID WE DROP THE BOMB ON JAPAN? [EPISODE 196]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-11-16_at_93019_AM868tt_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
In this episode, I want to talk about making tough decisions. Recently, Nikole Hannah-Jones tweeted that she felt shame when she visited Hiroshima. She also said, “They dropped the bomb when they knew surrender was coming because they’d spent all this money developing it and to prove it was worth it,” she wrote. “Propaganda is not history my friend.” But is that true? How did President Truman make his decision to drop the bomb? What choices did he have to wrestle with?
In this episode, I walk through a historian’s analysis to help you understand what happened and why.
Here is a link to the article I referenced.
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![LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM GENERAL MOULTRIE [EPISODE 195]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-11-08_at_94805_AMb7zq9_300x300.jpg)
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
In this episode, I explain a number of leadership lessons from an obscure founding father whose actions may have saved the American Revolution. You don’t want to miss this episode of the podcast. I promise you will learn and grow if you lend me your time today.
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![WHY HE’S RUNNING FOR CONGRESS [EPISODE 194]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-11-02_at_85143_AM9i7wt_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
In this episode, I have a second conversation with Tyler Lee. Tyler is a serial entrepreneur who is now running for the United States Congress. He will tell us why.
I have known Tyler since 2006 when he was a student of mine at Liberty University. He brings some business sensibilities to politics. You will be impressed as I was.
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![LESSONS FROM AN ENTREPRENEUR [EPISODE 193]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-10-24_at_13110_PM85k9g_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
In this episode, I have a conversation with Tyler Lee. Tyler is a serial entrepreneur who has a wonderful understanding of the lessons needed to be successful in business. They are probably not what you think.
I have known Tyler since 2006 when he was a student of mine at Liberty University. He impressed me then, and he impressed me now. If he wrote in a paper what he told me in this episode, he would deserve an A. What is more important is that he was relaying his own practical experience. He did it. This is not just theory.
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![HOW MR. GOXX MAKES 19.41% TRADING BITCOIN [EPISODE 192]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-10-18_at_81119_PM7ll6h_300x300.jpg)
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
I don’t know much about Bitcoin, and I am not sure that Mr. Goxx does either, but he has made 19.41% trading cryptocurrency and I am going to tell you how. I will explain how he did it. It is a strategy you can replicate, but you need to understand the risks. At any rate, I am confident that this is not a strategy you have considered before.
More importantly, I am going to provide the back story to Mr. Goxx and focus on the creativity behind the process.
In this episode, I referred to this BBC article:
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![LESSONS FROM THE COUNTRY MUSIC HALL OF FAME AND THE GRAND OLE OPRY [EPISODE 191]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-10-04_at_42530_PM8opi8_300x300.jpg)
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
I am ignorant about country music, but during a recent trip to Nashville, I had the chance to visit both the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Grand Ole Opry. I drew a number of leadership lessons (and broader business lessons) from the experience and in this episode I discuss it with my colleague Maxwell Rollins. Maxwell is the Graduate Programs Director in the college of Business at CSU and he has owned a Mobile DJ Business, (Jay Maxwell’s Music by Request: http://charlestoneventspecialists.com) for 40 years. His DJs have entertained at more than 1000 weddings, and he is a wealth of information.
I also mentioned an article:
12 Christianese words and phrases we say:
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![JESUS AS LEADER [EPISODE 190]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8415926/Finalsquarecoverartleadersmith9l27i_300x300.jpg)
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
In this episode, I have a conversation with a former student, Adam Caplinger. Adam spent two semesters engaged in the research question: What was Jesus like as a leader? This led us to co-write a paper that we will be presenting to the Christian Business Faculty Association (CBFA) next week. We share our thoughts with you here.
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![Demystifying the Price at the Pump [Episode 189]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-09-19_at_64203_PMal20r_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Demystifying the Price at the Pump [Episode 189]
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Have you ever wondered why gas prices go up and down? In this episode, I will explain how gas stations determine what they charge you at the pump. I will explain how the price of crude, supply and demand, local competition, and most importantly the gas station’s real business model—which is not what you think—all connect to get to the amount you are charged at the pump.
For this episode, I use a number of publicly available oil charts and an excellent article about the price of gas by Zachary Crockett (Thanks, Zack!):
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![WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IN AFGHANISTAN WITH DAVID HAJJAR [Episode 188]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-09-11_at_80906_AM60tvm_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
In this episode, I continue my conversation with David Hajjar as he helps us understand what will happen in a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. David has been involved in relief work for 35 years with the UN, USAID, and similar organizations. In this episode, he gives us a more practical view of what is likely to happen next in Afghanistan. If you missed the last episode, David gave us a solid overview of how the region works and why.
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![UNDERSTANDING AFGHANISTAN (with David Hajjar) [EPISODE 187]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-09-04_at_100402_AM8bmkx_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
In this episode, I have a fascinating conversation with David Hajjar. David has worked in relief work with the UN, USAID, and similar organizations for 35 years. He is a native of Lebanon and lived there during the civil war.
In this episode he gives us a philosophical overview of the middle east to help us process what will happen in Afghanistan as we move forward. In the next episode, we continue the conversation and we try to get a sense of how the Taliban will act as they move forward. We compare notes as we try to understand what will happen next.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
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![LEADERSHIP IN BRITISH LITERATURE (WITH JEFF CARLUCCI) [EPISODE 186]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-08-28_at_95246_AM8buyd_300x300.png)
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
This is a continuation of my discussion of Leadership in British Lit. with Jeff Carlucci in the last episode. Jeff has been teaching literature since 1982. He will recap his thoughts from the last episode and provide new insights that have emerged from British Literature and his time teaching (since 1982).
If you enjoyed this discussion, you are in luck. Jeff will be back next week to continue the discussion. Beyond that, Jeff has been on a few times before:
Episode 32: What are you reading? Why aren’t you reading?
Episode 61: How StoneBridge School teaches students to become leaders
Episode 145: How to lead well at home
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Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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![LEADERSHIP IN BRITISH LITERATURE (WITH JEFF CARLUCCI) [EPISODE 185]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-08-21_at_110805_AM97q5h_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Aug 21, 2021
Saturday Aug 21, 2021
Saturday Aug 21, 2021
In this episode, I have a conversation with my good friend Jeff Carlucci. Jeff has been teaching literature since 1982. He will provide a number of leadership lessons that emerge from British Literature—and he does it masterfully.
If you enjoyed this discussion, you are in luck. Jeff will be back next week to continue the discussion. Beyond that, Jeff has been on a few times before:
Episode 32: What are you reading? Why aren’t you reading?
Episode 61: How StoneBridge School teaches students to become leaders
Episode 145: How to lead well at home
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
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![THESE ARE THIS THINGS YOU NEED TO DO TO LOSE WEIGHT (THE CHANGE PROCESS ILLUMINATED) [EPISODE 184]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-08-14_at_100054_AM9sz42_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
In this episode, I have a conversation with a former student, Jonathan Lindstrom, who started a health coaching business—Body4Christ. I invited him to come on because what he does perfectly illustrates the change process. The change process includes the same variables whether you are leading others at the office or trying to lose weight at home. Whether you are interested in weight loss or the change process, listen to this episode.
If you want to follow up with Jonathan, his website is:
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![IS THE FOUR DAY WORK WEEK IN YOUR FUTURE? [EPISODE 183]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-08-07_at_110247_AMa2iur_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
In this episode, I review a Wall Street Journal Article by Patrick Johnson discussing the prospects for the four day work week and reviewing the history of such experiments. And, of course, I add a bit of my own commentary.
You can read the article, Is a Four-Day Week the Future of Work? here:
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![WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SAY TO THE WORLD? [EPISODE 182]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-08-01_at_111923_AM861a8_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
In this episode, I have a fascinating talk with Randy Herbertson. Randy is a brand strategist and creative director. He has been a corporate facilitator, consumer insight specialist and a creative strategist.
Randy has produced some absolutely fascinating work. This was an amazing learning experience for me, and I am sure it will be for you.
If you want to contact Randy, visit thevisualbrand.com or email him at randy@thevisualbrand.com
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![WHAT A TEXAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL COACH CAN TEACH YOU ABOUT LEADERSHIP [EPISODE 181]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-07-24_at_125027_PMaw9dc_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
In this episode, I have a conversation with Coach Mike DeTerlizzi. Mike was one of my students at Charleston Southern University and he had held a variety of coaching jobs. He has applied what he learned in his MBA program and he shares with us the insights that he has developed about leadership with his Texas high school football team.
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![THIS IS WHY CONSERVATIVES ARE SKEPTICAL ABOUT THE 2020 ELECTION [EPISODE 180]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-07-17_at_92257_PMal24w_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
In this episode, I review a brilliant argument posted in 35 separate tweets on Twitter and I view it through the lens of a well established academic theory to explain how and why conservatives view the 2020 elections.
I mentioned an article in the podcast about how the Supreme court seat was baked into the election. See the last few paragraphs of this article to understand why.
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Contact me on Twitter or Gettr @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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![WORST BOSS SURVEY [EPISODE 179]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-07-10_at_113759_AMb3cck_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
In this episode, I have a conversation with Dustin Moody of the Denver Institute for Faith and Work. He will reveal the results of their worst boss survey. He will provide the top results and then we will talk about a few worst boss experiences.
When you are done, you will see your boss differently.
If you would like to contact Dustin, you can email him at dustin.moody@denverinstitute.org. Or you can go to www.denverinstitute.org.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
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![HOW THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE UNDERMINED SLAVERY AND ENABLED CIVIL RIGHTS (AND CAN HEAL US TODAY) [EPISODE 178]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-07-02_at_71341_AM68e4c_300x300.jpg)
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
In this episode I want to talk about what happened on the 4th of July—why it matters. It is not an irrelevant event or a holiday of the oppressor, but the key event that undermined the evils of slavery. It enabled the civil rights movement (MLK drew upon it for authority), and if we apply it, it can help us fix what ails us today.
Leadership, according to Marshal Goldsmith is “Providing inspiration and vision, then developing and empowering other to achieve this vision.” I am grateful that the founding fathers had the wisdom and insight to lead us to a better future.
If you subscribe to the arguments of the 1619 Project and the dubious theory that the world consists only of oppressors and the oppressed, you will not like this episode. If you are intellectually honest, you might want to hear the arguments from the other side. Check out the 1776 project: https://1776unites.com/
Looking to support black lives, but not the Marxist political baggage of BLM? Check out https://everyblm.com/about/
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
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Send me a Tweet: @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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![MAKE ETHICAL LEADERSHIP DECISIONS (OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES) [EPISODE 177]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-06-26_at_124406_PMa87eb_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
In this episode, I welcome Enrique Fiallo. Enrique has an incredible story.
Enrique is a former CEO of a publicly traded company. He made some unethical choices as CEO and served time in prison. While in prison, he talked to other inmates to understand how they thought about what they did and he found that it mirrored his experience. In our talk, he will share what he learned from his experience. We will talk about how pressure and small decisions impact ethical choices.
Enrique is now a speaker on ethical decisions and consequences. His message is powerful.
If you would like to get in touch with Enrique, please
email him at enrique@fiallo.com
Or, go to his website: www.fiallo.com
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![THE STEWARD LEADER (PART II) [EPISODE 176]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-06-19_at_82227_AMbhibp_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
In this episode, I continue my interview the author of one of the Steward Leader.
This is part two of a two-part discussion.
In this episode, Scott talks about the mission statement that every church and Christian organization in the world should use—and how it changes everything. He goes on to tell us how well-intentioned leaders get started on a path where they make moral compromises. He also discusses how to handle praise and criticism.
If you missed part one, go back one episode. Scott explained the difference between a faithful steward and an owner who is entirely responsible for his own results. He explained how leaders find themselves in bondage when they own the vision. And, he explained what he got wrong, as a leader in order to help you think about the prerequisites for getting your leadership right.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
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Send me a Tweet: @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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![WHAT IS STEWARD LEADERSHIP? [EPISODE 175]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-06-12_at_15533_PM8v2qu_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
In this episode, I interview the author of one of the best books I have read on leadership—EVER. I am so enamored with this book that I require it in my first class on leadership in the masters program at Charleston Southern where I am a professor.
The book is profound because Scott has done the hard work of really thinking deeply about a theology of leadership. What does the concept of a biblical steward mean in relation to leadership? This thinking has impacted my life and the lives of my students in deep and amazing ways.
This is part one of a two-part discussion.
In this episode, Scott explains the difference between a faithful steward and an owner who is entirely responsible for his own results. He explains how leaders find themselves in bondage when they own the vision. He explains what he got wrong, and he can help you think about the prerequisites for getting your leadership right.
In the next episode, Scott continues this thinking. He talks about the mission statement that every church and Christian organization in the world should use—and it changes everything. He goes on to tell us how leaders start on a path where they make moral compromises. He also discusses how to handle praise and criticism.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
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Send me a Tweet: @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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![WHAT IS THE MONETARY VALUE OF LEADERSHIP? [EPISODE 174]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-06-09_at_111009_AM9e55y_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
In this episode I talk to Teresa Petcovic, a former student who spent two semesters researching the question of the monetary value of leadership for her final project in her masters program in leadership. I assigned her the task. She did a fantastic job researching the question. She earned an A, and she is here to reveal her findings. The results are incredible. You will be blown away by the results.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
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Send me a Tweet: @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
Join our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and continue the discussion there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnleadership/
or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/
![THIS MORTGAGE BROKER CAN FIX YOUR CREDIT AND GET YOU INTO A HOME IN ONE YEAR IF YOU JUST DO WHAT HE SAYS [EPISODE 173]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-06-05_at_61517_PMaz0qo_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
I am again talking to Ty Coleman. Ty is a good friend. We attend church together. He was on the last episode where he provided his top 10 reasons that people are denied a loan. Then he explained what he can see in the paperwork—how he can predict success or failure in life beyond the mortgage.
In this episode, Ty puts his credit counselor hat back on. He was a credit counselor before he became a mortgage broker. He made a bold claim that if ANYONE just does what he says, he can get them into a home within one year. He tells us exactly what needs to be done in exactly the order in which it needs to be done. If you are looking to get into a home, but you have poor credit, you can’t afford to miss this.
But I brought Ty on this program to talk about the greater implications beyond the steps to repair credit. After the steps, we talk about the impact of our choices in relation to success in all of life.
If you would like to contact Ty, email him at tcoleman@pnlending.com or call him: (610) 505-2514.
If you are looking to get a mortgage and you have poor credit, he has agreed to talk to anyone who heard this podcast FOR FREE. Just tell him you heard him on the Leadersmith Podcast.
Or, go to his website: Tyronecoleman.com Let him know you heard him on this here.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Send me a Tweet: @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/
![HOW A MORTGAGE BROKER CAN PREDICT YOUR SUCCESS OR FAILURE [EPISODE 172]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-06-02_at_50755_PM9bhy1_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
In this episode, I am talking to Ty Coleman. Ty is a good friend. One day we got to talking about what he does, and we realized, he would add value to listeners of this podcast.
Ty will provide his top 10 reasons that people are denied a loan and he tells us what else he can tell about people when he looks at the paperwork. He can tell a lot about whether a person will be a success or continue to struggle.
If you would like to contact Ty, email him at tcoleman@pnlending.com or call him: (610) 505-2514.
Go to his website: Tyronecoleman.com Let him know you heard him on this podcast.
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Send me a Tweet: @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/
![SERVANT LEADERSHIP WITH JIM HUNTER (PART II) [EPISODE 171]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-05-29_at_102437_AMaic6y_300x300.jpg)
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
In this episode, I continue my conversation with Jim Hunter. We discuss why we need to hear this servant-leadership message repeatedly, the pivotal difference between power and accountability, how leadership is like love, the power of community in culture, and how his thinking has progressed over time.
If you missed the first part, go back one episode. We talked about character as the core of effective leadership, how to develop it, the difference between a bad boss and a petulant child, the difference between power and authority, and the role of sacrifice in leadership,
A Jim said, the ultimate test of leadership is: “do people raise their game under your influence?”
Do your people raise their game?
To contact Jim, go to http://www.jameshunter.com/
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Send me a Tweet: @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
Join our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and continue the discussion there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnleadership/
or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/
![SERVANT LEADERSHIP WITH JIM HUNTER (PART I) [EPISODE 170]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8415926/Screen_Shot_2021-05-25_at_43729_PM64n94_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
In this episode I sit down with Jim hunter, author of the Servant, the Servant Leadership Training Course, and the Culture. It is a fascinating conversation where Jim unpacks the difference between leadership and servant leadership.
We talk about character as the core of effective leadership, how to develop it, the difference between a bad boss and a petulant child, the difference between power and authority, and the role of sacrifice in leadership,
What is the ultimate test of leadership: “do people raise their game under your influence?”
This is the first part of a two-part conversation. We continue the conversation in the next episode. We will cover why we need to hear this message repeatedly, the difference between power and accountability, how leadership is like love, the power of community in culture, and how his thinking has progressed over time.
To contact Jim, go to http://www.jameshunter.com/
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and tell others who might benefit from this podcast.
I would like to hear from you. You can leave a comment below. I would like to hear if this was useful.
Send me a Tweet: @daringerdes or leave a video message: https://flipgrid.com/leadersmith
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or Join our LinkedIn community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13966891/